Saturday, January 28, 2012

No Birth Is Pain-Free...

You meet a person and that person becomes the object of your hearts desire...You take steps with this person that you know will create a new life. Thing's start happening within your body as the a new life begins to grow and develop from the inside out. It grows amd grows ...until soon you are obviously pregnant with this beautiful gift manifested from the feelings and passion you feel for another person.

There are great highs and forgettable lows during this incredible process ...everything is beginning to be obvious to your family and friends. then one day from no where there are pains and nausea...there is crying and depression. The emotions are overwhelming and have you wanting to arrive at the conclusion or solution to it all...then one day everything changes ...your heart,mind ,and body are ready to give birth to this incredible new life...

Through all of the pain and all of the aching and emotional ups and and the person you love are getting married...You see giving Birth is supposed to hurt...Giving Birth to True Love is a slow painful process ,that must be allowed to grow and develop into a strong and viabrant bond of commitment. If you don't believe that love should hurt..ask a woman how she feels after giving Birth to a baby...Love is a Baby...It must be raised and nourished...pampered and fed...given tools to evolve and grow...A love must be filled with knowledge..he knows how to treat her and she knows how to treat him..EDUCATION...A pain well worth it...

So my solution to having true love is accepting the pain and anguish that comes along with it and allow your love to develop and grow naturally. Thank You for listening...

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